Category: Bent Glass

Update Your Bathroom with a Bent Glass Shower

Bent Glass Design curved glass shower

One beautiful way to update your bathroom in an attractive and sleek way is installing a frame-less bent glass shower. These curved shower stalls are an elegant addition that allow for complete customization. Regardless of the amount of space you have, there are plenty of great reasons to install one in your bathroom. Easy Cleaning!… Read more »

Bent Glass in Architecture

Beautiful bent glass has long been a design feature in many notable buildings – some of which you may have seen in the past. Check out some of the famous buildings in the world with distinctive bent glass features Nationale-Nederlanden Building: Praha, Czech Republic “The Dancing House” The Dancing House, located in the beautiful city… Read more »

Glass Floors That Will Inspire You

It’s time to get inspired! Floors are one of the first features of any space that guests, customers and visitors take notice of. Just think of when you go to someone’s home or walk into a restaurant for the first time. You likely look downward while walking or stepping inside to avoid falling or tripping. At that… Read more »

How Bent Glass Can Give Your Office Building an Upgraded Look

There are so many different ways that you can use glass to give your office space a more upgraded look. You can create an entire conference room table out of glass to set it apart from the rest of your furniture and impress your clients. You can also utilize glass when creating stairways and railings…. Read more »

Laminated Glass in Railing Systems

Do you want to make the railings in your home or business stand out? You can do it by utilizing laminated glass in your railing systems. Whether you choose to use a clear laminated glass or one that has been tinted or covered in a custom print, you can do so many things with laminated… Read more »

Importance of Measuring When Ordering Custom Curved Glass

The process of measuring custom curved glass may seem daunting at first, but with the proper guidance and knowledge, the process can be made much more manageable. If you want your curved glass made to specific proportions, then you will want to properly articulate that to the manufacturer. The importance of proper measuring of curved… Read more »

Glass Used in Space

Information on Glass Used in Space

With the International Day of Human Space Flight coming up this April 12th, we have been spending a lot of time thinking about the many forms and uses of glass, especially when it comes to the crafts, labs, and telescopes used in space. Do you ever wonder what type of glass they use in space?… Read more »

The Importance of Natural Light in a Workplace

During the course of our lives, we spend a lot of time at work. When we spend eight hours in one place, we want to make it as enjoyable and comfortable as possible. We need comfy chairs, good coffee, and of course, a nice dose of natural light. No one wants to feel like they… Read more »

Industries That Benefit From Using Bullet Resistant Glass

Bullet resistant glass is some of the toughest glass in the entire world. It’s able to resist the penetration of bullets that are fired from a number of different firearms. As a result, many different industries have found a way to incorporate bullet resistant glass into their operations. Check out a few of the places… Read more »

Difference Between Normal and Bullet Resistant Glass

If you fire a bullet at a piece of glass, the glass will shatter immediately as the bullet passes through it. This is because normal glass is not elastic, so it is not equipped to handle the impact of a bullet. It doesn’t stand a chance and breaks right away. Bullet resistant glass, on the… Read more »